Health applications
General recommendations for using patches or gans filled loops, or gans brushed infinity coils etc, is that they should be used in pairs, each with different concentrations/dilutions so that a field gradient is created by the attraction-repulsion between the GANSes, which has cleaning and balancing effects. The site of injury is placed at the centre of these looping fields, where balancing is thereby achieved. Where the trunk of the body is involved, then the stronger patch/es should be against one's back, weaker ones to the front; and they should be used for a few hours a day, or once 'acclimatised' to them can be sewn into undergarments for daily exposure. (none of this information should be taken as medical advice, and is shared as anecdotal)
Coil or tube healing items create an energetic environment that helps us target an organ. Use the breathing device not for lungs only, but also to clear the emotions from the targeted organs. Put the specific patches near the diseased organs. They sometimes work instantly, sometimes they take longer to work. |
99% of the time disease states are linked to emotions that cause blocks in our system. MTK says "you will heal popple in seconds if you clear the emotion". This help is aimed at the mid-brain, thalamus and hypothalamus (autonomic nervous system) which control the sensory inputs, subconscious activity, and emotions. We have to open the door to let the emotions flow, ZnO opens the door for flow.
Most emotional imbalances also reflect a phosphorus deficiency. Gans of phosporus changes emotions and DNA. It is difficult to make, use the Field Transfer Cup for this.
Dont forget to add amino acid (collected from top of gans production tubs) for connection to human physicality.
Contra-indications, recommended:
NOT to use CH3 ganses in helping any cases of Cancer (cancer symptoms are excessively gravitational and should not be exposed to magnetical CH3 gans, which would feed more energy into the gravitational demand).
NOT to use CuO gans patches near the head or lungs (ok to drink the waters as part of a regime). The reason is that the CuO is mostly connected to muscle tissue and the zinc oxide and Co2 is better for the brain tissues that are not the same as muscle tissue. When using a nano coated copper plate you already have more than enough CuO field in the equation so it's fine to use the Co2 in the zinc oxide when dealing with the head area.
NOT to use GANS / patches near metal or synthetic implants, including pacemakers, since it may encourage the body to compete with them.
DO use the breathing tube if possible with each remedy (breathe from a straw and twin walled cup, or through a twinned plastic tube, the twin walls filled with Co2/ZnO + CH3 GANS waters)
DOSES: in a sense you can't get it wrong. Depending how out of balance your systems are you may experience 'Herxheimer' effect as the body re-tunes and clears blocks, usually worth persevering, but slow up if you feel you need to. The body only takes what fields it needs, but stick to known recommendations as closely as possible. Store your Gans in separate jars before use/mixing.
Most emotional imbalances also reflect a phosphorus deficiency. Gans of phosporus changes emotions and DNA. It is difficult to make, use the Field Transfer Cup for this.
Dont forget to add amino acid (collected from top of gans production tubs) for connection to human physicality.
Contra-indications, recommended:
NOT to use CH3 ganses in helping any cases of Cancer (cancer symptoms are excessively gravitational and should not be exposed to magnetical CH3 gans, which would feed more energy into the gravitational demand).
NOT to use CuO gans patches near the head or lungs (ok to drink the waters as part of a regime). The reason is that the CuO is mostly connected to muscle tissue and the zinc oxide and Co2 is better for the brain tissues that are not the same as muscle tissue. When using a nano coated copper plate you already have more than enough CuO field in the equation so it's fine to use the Co2 in the zinc oxide when dealing with the head area.
NOT to use GANS / patches near metal or synthetic implants, including pacemakers, since it may encourage the body to compete with them.
DO use the breathing tube if possible with each remedy (breathe from a straw and twin walled cup, or through a twinned plastic tube, the twin walls filled with Co2/ZnO + CH3 GANS waters)
DOSES: in a sense you can't get it wrong. Depending how out of balance your systems are you may experience 'Herxheimer' effect as the body re-tunes and clears blocks, usually worth persevering, but slow up if you feel you need to. The body only takes what fields it needs, but stick to known recommendations as closely as possible. Store your Gans in separate jars before use/mixing.